Marketing Campaigns with Groupon: An Interview with Club Pilates

groupon marketing club pilates san diego

This week’s Business Minds is with Allison Beardsley, founder and CEO of Club Pilates. Club Pilates is a fitness studio with 11 locations throughout San Diego, with plans for international growth in the near future. [Read more…]

Our Social Media Productivity Toolbox

Photo credit: Connected World Media

Investing even just a little bit of time per day in social media marketing can make a BIG difference. But if you’re not careful, it can be all to easy to spend more time than you may have originally intended! To avoid this problem, we’ve put together a few of our favorite tools for a productive social media marketing experience.

1. HootBar – If you use HootSuite as your preferred social media dashboard, you’ll have to install the HootBart to your Firefox browser. The HootBar makes it easy to collect articles and websites as you come across them in your regular internet browsing. You have the option to post immediately or schedule for a later time. If you find a lot of great content on a single site, use the HootBar to spread out the posts over the next couple weeks.

2. Google Alerts – Ever wish you could wonder what everyone is saying about your business? While that may not be possible, Google Alerts makes it easy to track what is being posted about your business on the internet. Set alerts for your name, the name of your business and variations of the name of your business, and you will receive an email alert whenever it is mentioned. Similarly, on Twitter you can search for your business and then save that search so it is easy to check on a regular business.

3. “Pin It” button – Since you’re already installing the HootBar, you might as well install the “Pin It” button too! The “Pin It” button lets you instantly share any content you find online with your Pinterest followers. Whenever you something pin-worthy, all you will have to do is click on the button on your browser to add it to your boards.

4. PicMark – Want an easy way to brand the content you share on your social media networks? With PicMark, you can add a border to any picture with your company’s name and/or website. When content is shared on Pinterest and Twitter, the original source can get lost over time. When you post content with PicMark, everything you share will always have your company information on it.

These are just a few of our favorite social media marketing tools that help us every day. What are some tools that you use to make your daily posting easier? Let us know by leaving a comment below!