Business Minds: Ann marie Houghtailing of The Houghtailing Group “Activity Breeds Results”

We recently sat down with Ann marie Houghtailing, principal of The Houghtailing Group to discuss the successes and struggles business owners face in marketing. The Houghtailing Group is a boutique sales and business consulting firm transforming sales training forces across the globe.

What do you enjoy about being a business owner?

I own my time and I get to decide the kind of work I want to do. Freedom is incredibly important to me, and with it, I can change direction and choose to do work that matters to me, so I’m not making decisions in a silo. My business decisions are informed by how I want to live, not just how much I want to earn.

What role has social media played in your strategy? Is there a specific network that worked better than another?  

Facebook is where I’m most comfortable in terms of social media. My life and work are fairly integrated, and people really get to know me and follow what I’m doing and it’s served my business well. Our webinars have been very successful as well and really help our reach.

You mentioned that you like having the ability to manage your own time as a business owner. How does time factor into your overall marketing strategy?

Time is one of the biggest obstacles I face as a business owner. To be consistent, marketing efforts take time, and I think the process of trial and error can be tedious. There’s no silver bullet. It takes time to figure out what’s working and where to place your resources. I’m impatient by nature, so I find the process frustrating at times. I would love to find a way to build a following in a shorter period of time without breaking the bank.

Do you have a personal mantra?

I don’t think I would say that I have a mantra, but my students say that I frequently say “Activity breeds results.” Being constantly in action, I must have internalized this concept!

Business Minds is a series of The San Diego Marketing Blog in which we interview people in San Diego and in other areas of the United States and overseas about their responsibility to ensure the business they each represent is reaching the right people and ultimately driving sales.  To make better business and marketing decisions for your business, read their stories and learn which marketing tactics worked and which did not.

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